
TEDx Mokrin, Serbia, 2018

University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2021

Spaces of Future Remembrance, Theater Vojvodina, Pančevo, 2022

Nova Iskra, Belgrade, 2016

Literary Festival Krokodil Engaging Words, Belgrade, 2020

Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade, 2018

MoCA Salon, Belgrade, 2018

Centre for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade, 2019

Plan D Conference, Technical Museum, Zagreb, 2018

Petnica Science Centre, Serbia, 2018

Point Conference, Sarajevo, 2015

Museum of African Art, Belgrade, 2015

Booksa, Zagreb, 2015

Palach, Rijeka, 2015

Kriterion, Sarajevo, 2015

Nova Iskra, Belgrade, 2016

Solo Exhibition, DKSG Gallery, Belgrade, 2022
- Artist Talk, Abteilung Digitale Kunst, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Vienna, Austria
- Centaur Culture: Androids Don't Dream, But Do We?, Keynote Talk, Paraintelligence: Design and Science Summer School, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University in Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija
- Data Art and Data Storytelling for Journalism and Advocacy, K-Monitor Egyesület, Budapest, Hungary
- On Centaur Drawings, a drawing performance with a pen plotter and a public conversation with art historian Anica Tucakov, as part of the exhibition Centaur Drawings, SASA Gallery of Science and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia
- Human-Robot Drawings, Pandora Conference: Where Data Meets Games, Data Science Conference, Belgrade, Serbia
- Artist Talk, Academy of Applied Arts, University of Rijeka, Croatia
- Artist Talk as a part of the solo exhibition All-Aligned Manifesto Gallery, Sarajevo, BiH
- Artist Talk as a part of the solo exhibition Svesvrstani, Miroslav Dado Đurić Gallery, Fluid Design Forum, Cetinje, Crna Gora
- Blind Cartographers: Poetic Maps of the Everyday, lecture in cooperation with writer Kruno Lokotar, Moise Palace, Cres, Croatia
- Critical Cartography, Inter University Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia
- What Is Digital Art?, LNŠ, Petnica Science Centre, Serbia
- Algorithmic Co-Creation, Fluid Design Forum, Faculty of Fine Arts, Cetinje, Montenegro
- AI, Art & Society, Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, Serbia
- Automated Ideology, public talk with political scientist Jasmin Hasanović, Manifesto Gallery, Sarajevo, BiH
- Panel discussion about the novel The Judgment of Richard Richter (together with Igor Štiks, Jelena Nidžović and Sara Arsenović), Kontrast Publishing, KC Grad, Belgrade, Serbia
- Guided public tour of the exhibition Centaur Drawings, SASA Gallery of Science and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia
- Javno vođenje kroz izložbu, Centaur Drawings, Prostor, Novi Sad, Serbia
- Artist Talk as a part of the solo exhibition All-Aligned, Filodrammatica Gallery, Drugo More, Rijeka, Croatia
- Artist Talk as a part of the solo exhibition All-Aligned, Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Kontejner, Zagreb, Croatia
- Digital Poetics, literary festival Nova prikazna, Academy of Arts, Skopje, N. Macedonia
- Artist talk as a part of the international conference The All-Aligned Summit within the They:live project, Students' City Cultural Centre, Belgrade, Serbia
- Artist talk as a part of the solo exhibition Then you grow up and maps become scary, DKSG Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia
- Digital Art and the Hacking of the Future, lecture as a part of a group exhibition Spaces of Future Remeberence, Theater Vojvodina, Pančevo, Serbia
- Digitalization and Digital Culture, Artget Gallery, The Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
- Public talk about the They:Live Artist-in-Residence programme, Student City Cultural Centre, Belgrade, Serbia
- On Hacking (public lecture), Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, Serbia
- Artist Talk, Petnica Science Centre, Serbia
- Critical Mapping: Data Visualization as a Tool for Critical Understanding of Urban Systems (public lecture), conf. Towards a Different City, Institute for Urban Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
- Creative Coding in Balkan Schools: Making Algorithmic Art a Part of Official High School Curiculums in Serbia, IDESA 2021, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Art in Context, seminar for selected artists and curators within the They:Live Artist-in-Residence programme, University of Art UDK, Berlin, Germany
- Artist Talk, Visualizing Knowledge Conference, Aalto University, Finland
- Artist Talk, Institute for Contemporary Art, Podgorica, Montenegro
- How Can You Stay the Same When Each New Moment You Are Created Anew? (artist talk), PDP Design Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia
- How Are Interactive Stories Made? (public workshop on interactive storytelling), PDP Design Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia
- Infografika i data pripovedanje, javno predavanje u okviru seminara Kako komunicirati savremenu nauku?, Centar za promociju nauke, Beograd, Srbija
- AI and Culture (Public Lecture), Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Algoritmic Culture (Public Lecture), Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, Serbia
- How I Spent the Pandemic (Public Lecture), Petnica Science Centre, Serbia
- Artist Talk, AI Lab, Centre for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade, Serbia
- The Possibility of Europe 2.0: The New Normal Debate (Moderation of Public Debate), Literary Festival Krokodil Engaging Words, Belgrade, Serbia
- Making Art with AI (Public Lecture), Creative Explorations: From Social Entities to Ubiquitous Systems, Connect for Creativity, Athens, Greece
- Artist Talk, Fluid Design Forum, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Montenegro, Cetinje, Montenegro
- Artist Talk, MultiMadeira Artist Residency, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
- Algorithmic Culture and the New Sensibility (Public Lecture), Nova Iskra, Belgrade, Serbia
- Contemporary Image and Neural Networks (Public Lecture), Art + Science Lab, Centre for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade, Serbia
- Ethics and Æsthetics of Artificial Intelligence (Public Lecture), Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- AI Poetics (Public Lecture), Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, Serbia
- Heritage in Digital Environments: Polemics About the Failure of New Media Platforms as Tools for Promoting Cultural Heritage (Public Discussion), Heritage House, Belgrade, Serbia
- Design Talk (Public Lecture), Petnica Science Centre, Serbia
- Machine Learning for Artists (Public Lecture), Co-Work Center, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
- Androids Do Not Dream About Anything, But Do We? (Public Lecture), Art+Neuroscience Conference, Centre for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade, Serbia
- Data Dada: Subversive and Creative Uses of Neural Networks (Public Lecture), Faculty of Organisational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- (Un)Creative Literature in the Age of AI (Public Lecture), S.U.T.R.A. Festival of Digital Art, Museum of Science and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia
- Artificial Intelligence and the Post-Truth Media (Public Discussion), Museum of Science and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia
- Games and Politics (Public Discussion), Goethe Institut, Belgrade, Serbia
- Why Data Visualization? (Lecture and Workshop), UNDP School of Data, Mokrin House, Kikinda, Serbia
- Animanima Game Jame (Public Workshop), Animanima Festival, Čačak, Serbia
- Data Dada (Public Discussion and Workshop), Centre for the Promotion of Science, Belgrade, Serbia
- Digital Art and Casino Hacking (Public Lecture), Petnica International, Petnica Science Centre, Valjevo, Serbia
- Artists and Machine Learning (Public Lecture), Design Seminar, Petnica Science Centre, Valjevo, Serbia
- The Practice of Small Data: Poetic Topographies of Everyday Digital Life, Strand Conference, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Optimised Poetry and Digital Humanism (Public Lecture), Belgrade Open School, Belgrade, Serbia
- Data Visualization for Activists (Lecture and Workshop), UNDP Open Data Seminar, Zrenjanin, Serbia
- Artist Talk, Nova Iskra, Belgrade, Serbia
- (Post)Digital Age: Media, Business, Technology, Trust (Public Discussion), (Post)Digital Age Conference, Faculty of Media and Communications, Belgrade, Serbia
- TRACE: Wayfinding In Contemporary New Media Art (Public Discussion), Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Serbia
- Optimized Poetry (Public Workshop, Lecture, and Reading Performance), Art+Science:Makers, Centre for the Promotion of Science + Polet Art Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia
- The Future of Language (Public Lecture), TEDx Mokrin, Mokrin House, Kikinda, Serbia
- Art+Science:Makers Conference (Public Discussion), Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia
- What is Generative Art? (Public Lecture), Nova Iskra, Belgrade, Serbia
- Digital Art and Digital Humanism (Public Lecture), Nova Iskra, Belgrade, Serbia
- Digital Politics (Public Discussion), Parobrod Cultural Centre + Diplo Foundation, Belgrade, Serbia
- Subversive Digital Art (Lecture), Design Seminar, Petnica Science Centre, Valjevo, Serbia
- Animated Game Jame (Lecture and Workshop), Design Seminar, Petnica Science Centre, Valjevo, Serbia
- Map as Media (Public Lecture), Tačka komunikacije, Belgrade, Serbia
- Physical Data Visualization as Experience Design (Public Lecture), re:publica, MOMus, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Data Storytelling: From Inventor to Narrator (Public Lecture), Plan D, Nikola Tesla Technical Museum, Zagreb, Croatia
- Geoglyphs of Zagreb (Public Workshop), Plan D, Nikola Tesla Technical Museum, Zagreb, Croatia
- How Fantasy Roleplay Made a Man Out of Me? (Public Lecture), Nova iskra, Belgrade, Serbia
- Animated Game Jame (Lecture and Workshop), Nova iskra, Belgrade, Serbia
- Data Sculptures (Lecture and Workshop), Designer – Author or Universal Soldier, Faculty of Media and Communications, Belgrade, Serbia
- Propaganda Machines (Public Lecture), S.U.T.R.A. Festival of Digital Art, Museum of Science and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia
- Database Sculptors (Public Lecture and Workshop), S.U.T.R.A. Festival of Digital Art, Museum of Science and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Faculty of Education, Jagodina, Serbia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Cultural Centre, Smederevo, Serbia
- Anthropology Conversations (Public Discussion), Anthropology Student Club, Student Cultural Center (SKC), Belgrade, Serbia
- How to Become an Author in the Digital Era? (Public Lecture), Nova Iskra, Belgrade, Serbia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), City Library, Pirot, Serbia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Danilo Kiš Foundation, Subotica, Serbia
- Data Visualization as a Storytelling Medium (Public Lecture), S.U.T.R.A. / Tomorrow Festival of Digital and New Media Art, Belgrade, Serbia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), City Library, Sombor, Serbia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Cultural Centre, Čačak, Serbia
- Subversive Data Visualization for Digital Activists (Public Lecture), K-Monitor, Budapest, Hungary
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Museum of African Art, Belgrade, Serbia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Booksa, Zagreb, Croatia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Kriterion, Sarajevo, BiH
- Personal Atlas of the World (Public Talk), TEDx Opatija, Opatija, Croatia
- Public Lecture, Point Conference, Sarajevo, BiH
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Palach Center, Rijeka, Croatia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), OKC Abrašević, Mostar, BiH
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Sikirica Art Gallery, Sinj, Croatia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Alternative Youth Centre, Kragujevac, Serbia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Community Center Rojc, Pula, Croatia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), City Library, Trebinje, BiH
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Apolo Theater, Pančevo, Serbia
- Bantustan: Atlas of an African Journey (Book Lecture), Youth Centre, Varaždin, Croatia
- Story Maps: Cartography and Storytelling (Public Lecture), S.U.T.R.A. / Tomorrow Festival of New Media Art, Youth Centre Belgrade, Serbia
- Data Storytelling (Public Workshop), Festival Pravo Ljudski, Sarajevo, BiH
- Lecture on Paperista System, International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, Leuven, Belgium
- Public Talk, Republika Festival, Rijeka, Croatia
- Visualizing the Affective Structure of Students Interaction (Public Lecture), International Conference on Hybrid Learning, Guangzhou, China
- Blind Cartographers (Public Workshop), The Travel Club’s Travel House, Istanbul, Turkey
- The Culture of Independent Travelling (Public Talk), TEDx Novi Sad, Serbia
- Artist Presentation, International Digital Media Arts Association Conference, Emily Carr University Gallery, Vancouver Canada
- Public Lecture, School of Interactive Art + Technology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Canada
- Artist Presentation, Media Interaction Lab, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Linz, Austria
- Synesketch (Public Lecture), Good Old AI Lab, University of Belgrade, Serbia
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- Full list of Bantustan-related Lectures, Talks, and Book Promotions can be found on the Bantustan project page. The list of selected workshops and teaching projects can be found in the Teaching section.