interviews. Featured reviews.

- Journey to Dreams (U susret snovima), RTS, Belgrade, Serbia
- Read Me (Pročitaj me), RTCG, Cetinje, Montenegro
- Regulated Interpellation, curator Adna Muslija's review, catalog for The All-Aligned Exhibition in Sarajevo, Galerija Manifesto, Sarajevo, BiH
- We will not be subjugated by artificial intelligence; we will do it to ourselves,, Podgorica, Montenegro
- The All-Aligned Exhibition in Sarajevo, N1, Sarajevo, BiH
- It's not worth escaping AI technologies, nor is it worth celebrating them, Blic, Belgrade, Serbia
- Every technology is a political question,, Podgorica, Montenegro
- The story of AI is a story of the privatization of collective labor, Portal Novosti, Zagreb, Croatia, interview by Lujo Parežanin
- The transformation of culture in the era of AI, Kaleidoskop, Belgrade, Serbia, author Gordana Tadić
- On Centaur Art, Radio Beograd 2, Interview, RTS, Belgrade, Serbia
- Interview, Buka, Sarajevo, BiH
- Centaur Drawings, Arte, Belgrade, Serbia
- Centaur Drawings,, Belgrade, Serbia
- An exhibition by Uroš Krčadinac is currently displayed at the Manifesto Gallery of Contemporary Arts, N1, Sarajevo, BiH
- Our Language Is Influenced More by Google than by the Croatian or Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, interview, P-portal, Zagreb, Croatia, 2022.
- Flags are a common trauma and thrill of us Post-Yugoslavs, interview, Nova, Belgrade, Serbia, 2022.
- La bandiera: simbolo dell’identità nazionale, La voce del popolo, Rijeka, Croatia, 2022.
- Flags For Everyone, Novi list, Rijeka, Croatia, 2022.
- Are we hooked?, Nova, Belgrade, Serbia, 2022.
- Solo Exhibition “All-Aligned” by Uroš Krčadinac in DKSG Gallery, N1, Belgrade, Serbia, 2022.
- Exhibition “All-Aligned” by Uroš Krčadinac in DKSG Gallery, City Magazine, Belgrade, Serbia, 2022.
- Uroš Krčadinac's Solo Exhibition in the DKSG Gallery, N1, Belgrade, Serbia
- Uroš Krčadinac and Lav Mrenović presented the results of the Artist-in-Residence project They:Live, 013info, Pančevo, Serbia
- Sceniranje (Podcast Interview), NKSS, hosts Luna Stefanović and Sofija Balać, Belgrade, Serbia
- In the First Five, Radio Belgrade 2, author Sara Arsenović, Belgrade, Serbia
- Artist-in-residence Uroš Krčadinac and curator-in-residence Lav Mrenović in the Belgrade Student City, Euronews, Belgrade, Serbia
- Prostori budućeg sećanja, Politika, Beograd, Srbija
- The Art Practice of Uroš Krčadinac, Vijesti, Podgorica, Montenegro
- One Writer, One Book (Podcast Interview), Radio Galaxy, host Dušan Pavlović, Belgrade, Serbia
- Data in Art and the Art of Data, Elementarium 23, writer Katarina Popović, CPN, Belgrade, Serbia
- Saloon: Youth and Education (Internet Talk Show), Oblakoder, author Marina Zec, Belgrade, Serbia
- Radio Elementi (Radio Show), Center for the Promotion of Science, author Petar Laušević, Belgrade, Serbia
- Digital Icons (Radio Interview), Radio Belgrade, author Tamara Vučenović, Belgrade, Serbia
- Nivo 23 (TV Interview), Studio B, author Velja Pavlović, Belgrade, Serbia
- Black Box Society (Radio Interview), Stepenik, Radio Belgrade 2, Serbia
- Godlike Technology (Radio Interview), Loženje, Remarker Media, Belgrade, Serbia
- About S.U.T.R.A. Festival (Exhibition Coverage), Danas, Belgrade, Serbia
- Confronting the Chaos of the World (Interview),, author Bojan Krištofić, Zagreb, Croatia
- We Are Creating a Startup That Can Never Succeed (Interview), Zagreb Anti-Fascist Network MAZ, author Matko Vladanović, Zagreb, Croatia
- Formal Education is Not Enough (Interview), Vreme, Belgrade, Serbia
- Literary Review of Bantustan, Klub putnika, author Elis Bektaš
- Interview, BeforeAfter, author Staša Bajac
- Interview, Pančevac, author Dragana Mladenović, Pančevo, Serbia
- Interview, Glif Literary Magazine, author Jelena Gvozden, Belgrade, Serbia
- Interview, Portal Mladi, author Milica Tolmač, Serbia
- Interview, Radio Belgrade RTS, Klub 2, author Sonja Milovanović, Serbia
- TV Interview, Radio Television of Serbia, RTS 2, Magazine Show, Serbia
- Synesketch, Creative Review, London, UK
- Synesketch,, editor Manuel Lima, New York, USA