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Buy Your Own Unique AI Art Flag

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If you like the All-Aligned project, think about buying a unique flag as a physical object and a signed art piece.

First generate a flag that you fancy using our software Generator. After you choose the flag you would like to have in a physical form, click on it and save it as a SVG and a PNG file. Send these files to my email:

Flags are printed on satin, 26 x 17 cm, with a small wooden mast. The price of one flag is 25 euros or 3000 Serbian dinars.

You can pay in cash or via PayPal. For the PayPal all you need is my email:

After the payment is registered, we will ship you the flag or deliver it to you in person.

As project authors, we garantee that there will be no more than one signed flag of each particular design. There will be no repetitions and duplicates.

The software itself is published on GitHub as a free open source project. You are free to use it in your own practices as long as they are non-profit. By buying a flag you support our work and you make projects such as this one sustainable.